Wood Burning

Wood burning (also known as pyrography) is a neat craft to try. Just be careful because the tip of the wood burning pen gets very, very hot. You will burn yourself if you touch it because it has to be hot enough to burn the design into the wood. That is really the only downside to wood burning.

Wood burning pens are relatively cheap and easy to find at either craft stores or online. There are various tips that you can put onto the pen that have different effects. Some of the tips of the pen are for drawing, some are for shading and some are for other effects. I am somewhat new to it myself.

When you are actually making a piece it does rely on your drawing ability, so make sure you practice you drawing beforehand. Drawing the design onto the piece of wood you are going to wood burn with pencil lightly first is also a good idea.

Here is a bison I did on a wood slice:
